Ask Video Bitwig Studio 2 202 Phase-4 Deconstructed TUTORiAL

Ask Video Bitwig Studio 2 202 Phase-4 Deconstructed TUTORiALAsk Video Bitwig Studio 2 202 Phase-4 Deconstructed TUTORiAL

Phase-4 is a powerful phase distortion and phase modulation synthesizer, new in Bitwig Studio 2.3, capable of incredibly versatile sounds. In this Ask.Video tutorial with Bitwig Certified Professional Thavius Beck you’ll learn the underlying principle of the phase manipulation technology powering this synthesizer and get hands-on coaching on creating great-sounding patches.

The course starts with a detailed explanation of how Phase-4 works. The concepts of phase, phase distortion and phase modulation are clearly explained, and you get a tour of all the parameters of the synth and learn how they work together. The next series of tutorials are all about applying the technical concepts learned to create every sound of a music project from scratch: kick, snare, hi-hat, bass, pad and lead. Thavius then shows you how to bring life and movement to these sounds with modulators and get some craziness happening. Continuing with the course, you also learn about expression controls, Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) Controls, and more…

So if you want to get the most of the awesome Phase-4 instrument, sit back and learn everything about it with certifed trainer Thavius Beck!


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