Skillshare – Make your first 3D Model with Blender 2.8 Free Download

Skillshare – Make your first 3D Model with Blender 2.8 Free Download

Title: Skillshare – Make your first 3D Model with Blender 2.8

This class is the easiest and quickest way to learn the most important skills you’ll need to make your first 3D models. You’ll learn how to use one of the most powerful and popular 3D software tools in the world. This is all done with the absolutely free Blender 3D software.

At the end of the class, you’ll be able to model your first simple car.

This class focuses on getting you started as quickly as possible and covers only what you need to get started. If you’re interested in the fundamental aspects of modeling and animation, check out my other class.

This class does not assume any prior knowledge. You simply need a reasonably up to date computer. It can be Mac, PC, or Linux.

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