Valhallir IRs – VH-VX-Thirty1962 – Vox AC30 from 1965

Valhallir IRs – VH-VX-Thirty1962 – Vox AC30 from 1965Vox™ AC-30 Top Boost from 1965, loaded with 2 Celestion™ Alnico Silver T1088’s with H1777 Pulsonic Cone.

Without any doubt you can count this amp to the list of the 3 most legendary amps of all time. From Brian May, the Beatles, Rory Gallagher, Status Quo or The Edge from U2, the AC30 Top Boost has written musical history.

This great amp, which is in very mint condition for its age, belongs to the Austrian guitar legend Helmut Bibl, who played for acts like Falco, Drahdiwaberl, Supermax, Boris Bukovski, Andy Baum o the Hallucination Company, etc. live and in the studio.

Low Resonance Frequency 55 hz

VH-VX-Thirty1962 44100Hz-16bit-170ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 44100Hz-16bit-500ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 44100Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 44100Hz-24bit-500ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 48000Hz-16bit-170ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 48000Hz-16bit-500ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 48000Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 48000Hz-24bit-500ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 96000Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-VX-Thirty1962 96000Hz-24bit-500ms

Each folder containing RAW and MP waves

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