Mr. Bill’s Tunes Mr. Bill’s 99 Racks Ableton Racks


Mr. Bill’s Tunes Mr. Bill’s 99 Racks Ableton Racks

Here are 99 Ableton racks I recently cleaned up, and am deciding to distribute!

Most of these racks came together fairly organically over the years whilst I was producing music, however up until recently they laid strewn across my hard-drive in various locations, and in no state of user-friendliness.

One day I had this epiphany that I have probably spent more than the time using them in their then messy states than it would take to clean all these up & make them more immediately useful, so finally I bit the bullet & decided to spend a few weeks tidying them all up in an attempt to speed up my workflow.

Through this process I thought others might find these useful & fun to play with, too!

So here we are… 99 racks later.


Note: Live 11.3.25 was the version these racks were saved in, so any version of Live from that version (or later – including all versions of Live 12) should work!


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