The Loop Loft Lucky Sevens Multitrack Drums Session 7 WAV


The Loop Loft Lucky Sevens Multitrack Drums Session 7 WAV

The Loop Loft Lucky Sevens Multitrack Drums Session 7 WAV

From the great fusion groups of the 70’s, to the prog rockers of the 80’s, to the grunge bands of the 90’s, to the modern jazz artists of today, there is one thing they all have in common: a love for the odd meter of 7/8. Our seventh Multitrack Sessions release, “Lucky Sevens” takes an in-depth look at this time signature from every angle. With a massive selection of intro, verse, chorus, bridge, fill and stop grooves, you’ll find the perfect drum and percussion tracks to drag and drop into your next odd meter arrangement.

Multitrack Configuration:

Drum Kit:
Track 1 – Kick
Track 2 – Snare
Track 3 – Tom
Track 4 – Floor Tom
Track 5 – Overhead Left
Track 6 – Overhead Right
Track 7 – Room
Track 8 – Crashes
Track 9 – Egg Shaker
Track 10 – Djembe
Track 11 – Afro Shaker
Track 12 – Cowbell
Session Files: 24 bit, 48 KHZ WAV
Session Tempo: 115 bpm

(Size :529.2 MB)

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