XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download [WIN-OSX]


XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download Latest Version for Windows. It is full offline installer standalone setup of XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 crack for 32/64.

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download Latest Version for MAC OS. It is full offline installer standalone setup of XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 mac crack for macOS.

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Overview

DS-10 Drum Shaper keygen is not a generic transient shaper. XLN Audio built DS-10 Drum Shaper specifically for use with drums. By focusing just on drums, they were able to create a beast of a plug-in with an easy-to-use interface that uses three amazing algorithms to let you effortlessly control transients and quickly achieve punchy-sounding mixes. XLN Audio’s powerful MOJO processor allows you to shape transients in specially selected frequency bands while leaving the other bands unaffected. XLN’s unique technology employs tuned transient shaping to deliver excellent results in circumstances where traditional EQ and compression would be largely ineffective.XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 free download

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper at a Glance:
Designed with three modes of operation for drums
Three algorithms have you covered

Designed with three modes of operation for drums
Because it’s designed for drums, DS-10 Drum Shaper gives you three drum-specific modes of operation: Kick, Snare, and Bus. Under the bonnet, each mode is tuned to help you craft superb drum mixes with a minimum of fuss. Simply choose what kind of sounds to pass through DS-10, and use the Attack and Sustain knobs to dial in lustrous, ultra-punchy drum mixes. And while you’re at it, say bye bye to coarse, artificial-sounding transients, because DS-10 Drum Shaper gives you three sophisticated algorithms to work with.

Three algorithms have you covered
Whatever drum sounds you have in mind for a particular project, DS-10 Drum Shaper’s three algorithms have you covered. XLN Audio’s proprietary Natural algorithm delivers transient shaping that’s free of artifacts, even when you’re pushing the envelope. For even more options, DS-10 Drum Shaper also includes a Smooth algorithm with a languorous release time that yields lovely, creamy results akin to what you might achieve with parallel compression. Lastly, the Classic algorithm features the cherished transient shaper from Addictive Drums 2, for a more raw sound with that sought-after pump factor.

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 crack

Features of XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3

Below are some noticeable features which you’ll experience after XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 free download.

  • Transient shaping just for drums
  • New Natural and Smooth algorithms
  • MOJO tuned-transient processor
  • Supported host DAWs:
    • Logic Pro 8, 9, X
    • Pro Tools 10, 11, 12
    • Cubase 6, 7, Pro 8
    • Sonar X2 or later
    • Live 8, 9
    • Reaper

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Technical Setup Details

  • Software Full Name: XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3
  • Setup File Name: XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3.zip
  • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64) / macOS
  • Developers: Homepage

System Requirements For XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3

Before you start XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 free download, make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.

Before you start XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 free download, make sure your mac meets minimum system requirements.

 macOS Free DownloadMac OS X 10.7 | 10.8 | 10.9 | 10.10 | 10.11 | macOS Sierra
Windows Free Download Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download

Click on below button to start XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download. This is complete offline installer and standalone setup for XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3. This would be compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit windows.

Click on below button to start XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3 Free Download. This is complete offline installer and standalone setup for XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3. This would be compatible with macOS.

macOS Download R2R (Size : 22.7 MB)Windows Download R2R

 (Size : 16.7 MB)


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