Solemn Tones The Odin v1.3 KONTAKT

The Odin – Guitar Kontakt Instrument v1.3

The ultimate guitar sampling solution is here. Whether you need to replace sub-par guitar tracks, produce a guitar-heavy song without the hassle of actually tracking guitars or just want to create demo’s with a professional sound, The Odin will allow you to program your own riffs and chord progressions in the blink of an eye. Check out some examples from The Odin in a few of our favorite genres (and yes, all of the guitars in these examples are The Odin):

– 14 Articulation Banks
– 8 Layers of Humanization
– Over 3500 samples
– Pre-processed Tone & Shape knobs
– Can be used all the way down to drop F !!
– The Odin creates a clean guitar DI signal which you can re-amp/process with whatever amplifier solution you’re used to


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Protected: Solemn Tones The Odin v1.3 KONTAKT

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